IMG 9588 002

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Friday 12th of April 2024



General Meeting / Board of Director’s meeting / Special session

Chorus - Foyer Auditorium of Santa Cecilia, via della Conciliazione 4,  Rome

At the end of the session is organized a visit in Necropole of Vatican, special tour on the tomp of Saint Peter



President’s Speech at the BECC

Presenting the current position and goals of Greek industry in our General Assembly, I would say that we are already emphasizing in innovation, sustainability, digital transformation, modern skills, modern infrastructure, and extroversion.

Our main goal is our participation in the forming of Greek GDP to reach 15% within the next 10 years, creating along the way 550,000 new and well-paid jobs.

We are confident that effective investment financing combined with helping businesses adapt to economic and technological changes in a stable regulatory environment will certainly improve competitiveness and strengthen our extroversion.

These are the basic ingredients of a recipe, so to speak, that guarantees the successful attraction of investments in our country during this period with a perspective till 2030, where we can possibly review objectives, parameters and coordinates.

Until then, the pursuit of our Association will be to establish the conditions which will allow our country to become attractive to investors, Greeks and foreigners.

Let us see which are currently the dynamic industrial branches of Greek economy towards which we can focus our investment attention.

According to reliable researches based on today's data and market needs demonstrate that besides the obvious sectors directly related to the geographical location, the natural environment and the history of Greece, such as tourism and logistics, there are dynamic sectors and in industry such as: ·

In metallurgy: metals and metal processing (aluminum, iron, copper). ·

Ιn the energy sector: interconnections and smart networks , energy management, improvement of conventional power generation, new innovative RES technologies, exploitation of hydrocarbons. ·

In the environmental industry: waste management, water resources management, achievement of low energy footprint.

In building materials and metal constructions: materials used both in construction of new infrastructure and buildings, as well as in the upgrading of existing ones.

In IT and communication technologies: cloud applications, big data, analytics, internet of things, mobility.

Our country can also become the research and development hub for big technology companies. Moreover, many Greek companies can offer products and outsourcing services to large international organizations and enterprises.

  • · In the pharmaceutical industry: production of generic drugs, clinical trials for new drugs, herbal cosmetics.

           In food industry: development of foods related to the Mediterranean diet, development of products with high nutritional value (super-foods), creation of brand names with international recognition.

The industry sector being the leading driving force for economic development strongly believes that Greece is still presenting significant competitive advantages and development opportunities.

The way to achieve all of the above points only to one direction and this is private investments.

Today we need enterprises and private investment more than ever.

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